ECTS Points
Science, as a multivalent scientific discipline, forms a part of physical education, sport and kinesitherapy and is an indispensible part of everyday life and work. Strivings and scientific contributions of several generations of researchers in the field of science in physical education, sport and kinesitherapy lend grounds to the claim about a high level of competitiveness of obtained scientific findings and competence of the scientists who contribute, by means of research, to the development of the knowledge-based society in the field of physical education and sport.
The purposefulness of the doctoral studies of physical education, sport and kinesitherapy is based on the fact that only highly-educated professionals can contribute to a further development of the sport science as a scientific discipline and to the further development of work technology in the fields of:
- Physical education on all levels of pedagogical and educational process;
- Sport, especially the efficient programming and evaluation of sport activities and training of selected individuals and groups;
- Recreation through programming and evaluation of sport and recreational activities in order to preserve and improve health; kinesitherapy through Programming and control of kinesitherapeutic procedures;
- Sport for the disabled people through programming and evaluation of bodily activities aimed at mental and bodily rehabilitation.
Improving the work technology in the aforementioned fields is grounded in scientific research and information that is successfully implemented in everyday practice. The study programme aims at researching the systematic locomotor movements (exercise, training, kinesitherapy) the goal of which is an optimal development of organism, advancement and preservation of health, functional and work capabilities, as well as the preservation and improvement of motor skills and abilities characteristic of competitive sport activities and achievement of top sporting results.
Specific goals of this study programme are:
- Acquisition of essential knowledge on experimental and non-experimental research methods and understanding of data obtained through research techniques;
- Studying and analysing of the laws of human movement in clinical and rehabilitational fields with the aim to improve the effect of the healing procedures of certain health issues or illnesses;
- Acquainting the students with the latest findings in the fields of genetics and molecular biology of sport and exercise;
- Managing the technology of the training transformation procedures in individual and collective sports and conditional training;
- Advanced search of available databases and application of the actual information systems for the needs of research.
The Faculty of Sport and Tourism has, for several years now, organised and conducted doctoral studies and procedures for the acquisition of the academic degree of the doctor of sciences (dr sc) in the field of physical education and sport. Based on its work and activities so far, as well as the tradition and acquired experience, the Faculty is scientifically competent to execute the new programme of doctoral studies, educate the scientists in the field of physical education and sport who would satisfy the market demands of both the public and private sectors. The proposed model of doctoral studies is so conceived that it allows for the maximum student ability. In that respect, one of the goals of the programme is an expected student mobility towards other institutions of higher education, Serbian and international universities and their doctoral degree programmes where the students will be able to elect the courses that would allow them to advance their core knowledge and knowledge in the field of physical education, sport, kinesitherapy and interdisciplinary fields narrowly related to certain fields of the applied sport science. Our study programme can also be the on the receiving end of the student mobility, for those students who wish to enrol, choose from among the selective modules and courses and acquire an adequate number of points. The scientific orientation of the Faculty and the results of scientific research published in Serbian and international publications can strongly motivate students of other European universities to enrol the doctoral studies of physical education, sport and kinesitherapy at our university.
1. Year
Methodology of Scientific Research
Quantitative and Qualitative Methods
WOS Databases
Block of elective courses 1 (1 of 3 can be chosen)
Management Modelling in Team Sports
Management Modelling in Individual Sports
Management Modelling in Fitness
Block of elective courses 2 (1 of 3 can be chosen)
Motor Learning and Motor Control
Molecular Medicine and Genetics in Sport and Physical Education
Contemporary Analytics of Functional Testing
Block of elective courses 3 (1 of 3 can be chosen)
Methodology of Kinesiological Research in Sport
Methodology of Kinesiological Research in Physical Education
Methodology of Kinesiological Research in Recreation
2. Year
Block of optional courses 4 (1 of 3 is chosen)
Contemporary Biomedical Research Aspects in Kinesiology
Contemporary Socio-psychological Research Aspects in Physical Education and Sport
Contemporary Interdisciplinary Research in Kinesiology
Contemporary Trends in Higher Education
Evidence of Scientific Activities
Pedagogical Activities in Educational Process of Academic Institution
Drafting a Doctoral Dissertation
3. Year
Doctoral Dissertation project Defence
Operationalisation of Project and Doctoral Thesis making
Preparation and Defence of Doctoral Dissertation
The study programme of doctoral studies has a clearly defined role and purpose in the educational system. The goal of the study programme is to give students an opportunity to gain scientific competences and academic skills in the fields of physical education and sport (kinesiology).
The goal of the study programme is directed towards:
- Understanding the multidisciplinary nature of the field of physical education and sport (kinesiology).
- Improving the understanding of the results of coherent scientific disciplines which study specific aspects of this field.
- Preparing for independent scientific and research work directed towards studying the social aspects of physical education and sport (kinesiology), macroeconomical aspects of physical exercise and sport (kinesiology) and technological aspects of physical education and sport (kinesiology).
- Preparing for competent monitoring of results of credible international research, communication with relevant database, as well as an independent production of scientific information and their authorisation.
Based on the aforementioned goals, it is clear that the aim of the study programme lies in educating experts with enough extensive knowledge that would be in accordance with latest global trends of development of scientific disciplines.
By completing doctoral studies, students acquire the academic degree of doctors of physical education, sport and kinesitherapy. By obtaining the degree and the academic title of doctor of sciences, students are now qualified to independently project and conduct scientific and research work in the field of physical education, sport and kinesitherapy, as well as in interdisciplinary fields. Scientists with these competencies are qualified for a successful transfer and application of scientific knowledge in the systems of physical education, sport, exercise, sport recreation and kinesitherapy. Doctors of physical education, sport and kinesitherapy have a number of opportunities to continue their scientific and research work within scientific and research institutions and projects financed by the Ministry of science, Ministry of youth and sport and other governmental and non-governmental professional institutions. There is also a possibility to engage in international projects financed by international scientific institutions and funds. A certain number of doctors of sport sciences are also eligible for processes of recruitment of teaching staff in scientific and educational institutions for positions of associates and lecturers. As a logical continuation of lifelong learning, doctors of sciences can choose to pursue various forms of post-doctoral education. This level of continued education, a doctor of sciences gains complete education and the possibility to independently create and conduct projects of the highest scientific level. The level of postgraduate education allows for employment of doctors of sport sciences in public and private sectors. There is a need to greatly increase employment opportunities for this educational profile, because further development of society in all of its segments primarily depends on the scientific level and reputation of professionals engaged as agents of positive changes. For students who graduate from doctoral studies of physical education, sport and kinesitherapy and who thus acquire high scientific competence, potential partners outside the system of higher education are the umbrella institution of Serbian sport – National Olympic Committee, governmental and non-governmental national sporting associations, sectors of health, tourism, Ministries of Defence and Interior, respectively.
Specific competences of a doctor of sciences include:
- Familiarity with basics of research methodology in the field of physical education, sport and kinesitherapy, with cybernetic modelling of kinesiological processes and structural changes of dimension in physical education, sport and kinesitherapy, as well as means of choosing and applying the methods of solving major problems within this scientific field;
- Construction and validation of measuring instruments; conducting kinesiological and anthropological analysis of content in physical education, sport and kinesitherapy;
- Independent research of effects of kinesiological transformational processes in physical education, sport and kinesitherapy;
- Independent research of the impact of content (means) of sport training on the transformation of the athlete’s potential and his/her competitive successfulness;
- Independent conduct of experimental research, construction of measuring instruments for the assessment of level of motor knowledge and analysis of the feedback information in the area of motor learning;
- Independent analysis, application and interpretation of results of research of situational efficiency parameters; knowledge of procedures of measurement and result interpretation in advanced areas of physiological diagnostics;
- Knowledge of rehabilitation procedures in specific sporting injuries, along with methodology of defining the efficiency of certain methods of rehabilitation of innate and acquired states, injuries and deformities of the locomotor system;
- Creation of algorithms of expert systems and application of expert systems in scientific and research work, in the context of physical education, sport and kinesitherapy; recognition and identification of developmental processes in certain areas of applied kinesiology;
Independent design and realisation of research of various psycho-social occurrences and processes in sport and physical education; independent creation and presentation of a scientific article, creating a scientific study from the theoretical premises, drafting and operationalisation of hypotheses to conducting empirical research and its analysis, as well as interpretation of its results (writing a scientific paper) according to the principles of good scientific practice, professional ethics and teamwork.