


ECTS Points

The twenty-first century is a century of physical activity and natural environment. Our society needs educated young people who would promote a healthy lifestyle and sporting values in schools, work places and sport clubs alike. Regardless of whether it comes to education of future coaches, teachers of physical education or sport scientists, we are dedicated to a profound studying of theory, practical skills and a constant cooperation and teacher-student interaction.

Our multipurpose sports hall, accessible exercise sites, traditional and interactive classrooms, state-of-the-art research lab, e-library and traditional library are a guarantee that each of our students will get acquainted, in an up-to-date, accessible and quality manner, with all the latest educational trends in the field of physical activity and sport.

Our bachelor studies prepare students to be teachers of physical education and sport. Such professionals are sought after by educational institutions and sport clubs where future experts represent an important factor of programming of physical exercise – from that of children to that of professional athletes. Throughout the four years of studying, students are acquainted with theoretical and practical aspects of exercise in courses with a strong kinesiological, biomedical and socio-psychological basis. By collecting 240 ECTS points during the studies, in accordance with EU recommendations for education, students are maximally directed towards practical work, first with the assistance of our teaching staff and then independently. Our educational process is directed primarily towards the acquisition of operational skills such as the management of classes of physical education or that of the training in collective and individual sports. Joint sport activities and taking part in the work of the students’ parliament, are only some of the extracurricular activities that the students fondly remember and that allow for maturing and development during their four-year tenure at TIMS.


10 reasons why you should study sports at Tims

  1. Accredited and recognised study programme with years of experience.
  2. Latest educational methods oriented towards the adoption of practical skills and further development of skills and abilities.
  3. Work in small groups, enabling interaction, good communication with the teachers and high quality of studying.
  4. Practical insight and guest lectures of leading experts from sport clubs and institutions.
  5. Outgoing student support service team, following you from enrollment to graduation.
  6. High evaluation feedback marks in all areas of Faculty activities, showing our dedication to students.
  7. Practical work in the laboratory for functional diagnostics with the aid of top athletes and experts.
  8. Well-equipped and quality-designed interior provides for a top work atmosphere.
  9. Possibility to choose several study levels (3 to 8 years), in accordance with your needs.

Additional extracurricular activities enriching the student life.

1st Year

English language 1
Individual Sports in Educational Process 1
Functional Anatomy
Theory of Physical Education
Hygiene with Health Ecology
Pedagogical Psychology
Individual Sports in Educational Process 2
Applied Informatics
English language 2

2nd Year

Team Sports in Educational Process 1
Biological Anthropology
Basics of Management
Block of optional courses 1 (1 of 7 is chosen)
Athletics 1
Fitness 1
Basketball 1
Swimming 1
Table tennis 1
Karate 1
Football 1
Team Sports in Educational Process 2


3rd Year

Methodics of Training Process Management
Sport in Schools
Teaching Methods in Physical Education
Block of optional courses 2 (1 of 2 is chosen)
Sport Events
Demonstration of Sports
Exercise and Health
Block of optional courses 3 (1 of 3 is chosen)
Methods of Pre-school Physical Education
Methodics of Physical Education of Special Groups
Theory and Methodics of Recreation
Block of optional courses 4 (1 of 7 is chosen)
Athletics 2
Fitness 2
Basketball 2
Swimming 2
Table tennis 2
Karate 2
Football 2
Pedagogical Practice

4th Year

Applied Statistics
Block of optional courses 5 (1 of 3 is chosen)
Summer Outdoor Activities
Winter Outdoor Activities
Water Activities
Law and Ethics
Diagnostics in Physical Education and Sport
Developmental Psychology
Sports Medicine
Graduate Exam

By mastering the study programme, the student acquires the competences necessary for quality performance of various activities in the field of physical education and sport. General competences acquired by students are universal and primarily refer to the ability to analyse, synthesise and solve problems in teaching of physical education and sport, as well as to master the methods of work and research procedures and processes. In addition to this, students are taught to:

  • Analyse the curriculum, choose the teaching units and create a teaching plan for the current school year on the basis of current conditions.
  • Practically demonstrate all motor tasks foreseen by the teaching plan and curriculum.
  • Independently plan, organise and realise a physical education class on all levels of education.
  • Organise a sports day, cross-country running and other sporting events in schools.
  • Organise and independently implement a training process within sport clubs in schools.
  • Organise and implement a training process for any category in a chosen branch of sport.
  • Jointly organise and conduct camping, activities in nature and other extracurricular activities.
  • Creatively apply acquired knowledge to even the most complex jobs within their profession.
  • Plan, control and conduct the most complex professional tasks in the field for which they acquire additional competences (training technology, health and fitness).
  • Accept and interpret permanent improvement in one’s profession in the context of one’s professional life and development of the profession itself, while using knowledge from other scientific and professional fields.

Prospective employment opportunities

  • Teacher of physical education and sport in elementary and high schools;
  • Teacher of physical education with children in preschool institutions and lower grades of elementary schools;
  • Physical activity adviser for third age persons, leisure practitioners and persons with health issues;
  • Programmer of physical activities in sporting, sport-recreational, tourist, spa and other institutions and organisations;
  • Coach in sport clubs;
  • Promoter of healthy lifestyles and adviser in fitness and wellness centres;
  • Programmer of local and regional development of physical culture in competent institutions.