Fakultet za sport i psihologiju

Rapid technological development, constant social changes and turbulent conditions of doing business demand permanent, lifelong education. The importance of short practical courses has never been greater. Tims. offers you a whole range of courses and seminars in the field of tourism, sport, physical exercise, wellness and business skills. Here we present you only some of them. Please contact us for all additional information.

Vocational training of sport professionals

Stručno osposobljavanje u amfiteatru tims.a
The programmes of vocational training are oriented towards the best practice and tradition of coaching schools in Serbia and abroad. The programmes have been harmonised in accordance with the Law on Sport of the Republic of Serbia (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia n. 24/11) and the Rulebook on Nomenclature of Titles and Vocations in Sport and they are organised for 
coaches, recreational athletes, referees, lifeguards and sport managers. The training of coaches and sporting referees is done in all branches of sport, excluding the extreme sports. A successful completion of these programmes entitles one to obtainment of adequate certificates, which entitle the attendee to work in a large number of sport vocations, in accordance with the Law on Sports.
Sport managers

Animation in tourism

Intensive, monthly courses for animation programmers and animators in tourism will immerse you into the exciting world of interaction, leisure and experience economy. You will learn how to make your product, tourist programme, space or idea more accessible and how to include your visitors, customers, or passers-by in the interaction they will not forget.
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Event management

Event organisation course, which combines the latest knowledge knowledge and practical experiences in the field of programming, promotion, financing and production of various events, will teach you how to design and realise smaller family celebrations, business events or large festivals, concerts and parties.